Near West School Accommodation Review
The Near West Working group is working towards achieving a set of recommendations that will support the objective of alleviating the capacity issues at Devonshire and Elmdale Public Schools while providing students with local access to programs and balanced enrollments across study area schools. The final solution will ideally provide for at least five years of accommodation stability, minimize or eliminate the use of portables, support walkability and robust neighbourhood schools, as well as make effective use of District facilities involved in the area study. Changes in programing demand, increased enrollment, small school buildings and implementation of Board-wide Full Day Kindergarten have all contributed to our current situation.
Near West Accommodation Review: Notice of Board Decision
Flyer on the Boards Decision is listed below, followed by another document with the full details.
board_decision_flyer.pdf |
approved_near_west_study_recommendations.pdf |
Update from Jennifer McKenzie our Ottawa-Carleton School Board Trustee
Attached you will find an update on school matters from Jennifer McKenzie, our school board trustee and neighbour. One item in particular Jennifer would like to bring to your attention. There is a proposal to change the start time of school. Details can be found in her document and associated links. If you have concerns, you can send your comments directly to [email protected]
update_from_jennifer_mckenzie.docx |
Public Meeting October 24th, Three Options to be presented
The Near West Accommodation Review Working Group intends to present three options at the Public Meeting on October 24, 2013 in the Fisher Park auditorium, from 7:00 to 9:00p. The Public Meeting will include a presentation by the Working Group, followed by a question and answer period. The three options are posted below.
Civic families are very much affected by all of these scenarios so you are strongly advised to send in your comments, questions and concerns by email prior to the meeting or to raise your questions in person during the proceedings. Written comments can be sent to: [email protected] the deadline for feedback is November 1st.
Civic families are very much affected by all of these scenarios so you are strongly advised to send in your comments, questions and concerns by email prior to the meeting or to raise your questions in person during the proceedings. Written comments can be sent to: [email protected] the deadline for feedback is November 1st.
Options for Consideration Plus Survey for Public Feedback
Option A:
option_a.pdf |
Option C and Variation C1:
option_c_and_variation_c1.pdf |
Option G:
option_g.pdf |
near_west_accommodation_review_options_survey_v3.docx |