Past Events and Meetings Notifications

Capital Clean - April 29, 2023

Leadership for a Liveable Ottawa - Mayoral Debate - Oct 17, 2022
A debate among the four leading contenders for Mayor
Register in advance for your free ticket
AT 7.00 PM | Horticulture Building at Lansdowne Park
Doors open at 6:15pm, debate starts at 7pm sharp.
OR Watch online:
Hear from the candidates: Bob Chiarelli, Nour Kadri, Catherine McKenney, Mark Sutcliffe
Moderated by CBC journalist Joanne Chianello
Brought to you by the Glebe Community Association together with the Carlington Community Association, Centretown Community Association, Champlain Park Community Association, Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association, Dalhousie Community Association, Dows Lake Residents Association, Faircrest Heights Community Association, Hampton Iona Community Group, Heron Park Community Association, Hintonburg Community Association, Lindenlea Community Association, Lowertown Community Association, Manor Park Community Association, Old Ottawa East Community Association, Old Ottawa South Community Association, Overbrook Community Association, Rockcliffe Park Residents Association, Vanier Community Association, Westboro Beach Community Association.
Le débat se déroulera principalement en anglais avec quelques questions en français. Les personnes candidates sont encouragées à s’exprimer dans les deux langues officielles.
A debate among the four leading contenders for Mayor
Register in advance for your free ticket
AT 7.00 PM | Horticulture Building at Lansdowne Park
Doors open at 6:15pm, debate starts at 7pm sharp.
OR Watch online:
Hear from the candidates: Bob Chiarelli, Nour Kadri, Catherine McKenney, Mark Sutcliffe
Moderated by CBC journalist Joanne Chianello
Brought to you by the Glebe Community Association together with the Carlington Community Association, Centretown Community Association, Champlain Park Community Association, Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association, Dalhousie Community Association, Dows Lake Residents Association, Faircrest Heights Community Association, Hampton Iona Community Group, Heron Park Community Association, Hintonburg Community Association, Lindenlea Community Association, Lowertown Community Association, Manor Park Community Association, Old Ottawa East Community Association, Old Ottawa South Community Association, Overbrook Community Association, Rockcliffe Park Residents Association, Vanier Community Association, Westboro Beach Community Association.
Le débat se déroulera principalement en anglais avec quelques questions en français. Les personnes candidates sont encouragées à s’exprimer dans les deux langues officielles.

mayoraldebaterevisedposter.pdf |
Nov 26, 2019 - 4th CHRC Meeting
Time: 7-9 PM
Hintonburg Community Centre – Basement Meeting Room (1064 Wellington Ave West)
If you are interested in the development of the new Civic Hospital campus, please consider attending this, the 4th meeting of the CHRC. Note: This is a Members Only Meeting. If you are not a paid up member, you can sign up at the meeting.
Hintonburg Community Centre – Basement Meeting Room (1064 Wellington Ave West)
If you are interested in the development of the new Civic Hospital campus, please consider attending this, the 4th meeting of the CHRC. Note: This is a Members Only Meeting. If you are not a paid up member, you can sign up at the meeting.
- A representative(s) from the Hospital will present a brief overview of the project status so far, followed by a Q&A
- Review of priorities, action items and assigning of tasks and action items
- Discussion on how to influence elected representatives to consider a more easterly ramp for access to the new campus
- Discussion of tactics and strategies
Jun 18, 2019 - 3rd CHRC Meeting
Time: 7-9 PM
Hintonburg Community Centre – Basement Meeting Room (1064 Wellington Ave West)
If you are interested in the development of the new Civic Hospital campus, please consider attending this, the 3rd meeting of the CHRC. Note: This is a Members Only Meeting. If you are not a paid up member, you can sign up at the meeting.
Hintonburg Community Centre – Basement Meeting Room (1064 Wellington Ave West)
If you are interested in the development of the new Civic Hospital campus, please consider attending this, the 3rd meeting of the CHRC. Note: This is a Members Only Meeting. If you are not a paid up member, you can sign up at the meeting.
- Update on the Campus Engagement Group (CEG) process to date
- Review of priorities, action items and assigning of tasks and action items
- Discussion regarding the location of the 'H' sign
- Discussion on how to influence elected representatives to consider a more easterly ramp for access to the new campus
- Discussion of tactics and strategies
Dec 4, 2018 - 2nd CHRC Meeting
Time: 7-9 PM
Laurel Room, 1st Floor, Hintonburg Community Centre
Note: This is a Members Only meeting – you must be a paid up member of the CHNA to attend
Laurel Room, 1st Floor, Hintonburg Community Centre
Note: This is a Members Only meeting – you must be a paid up member of the CHNA to attend
- Update on the CEG process so far
- Review of priorities, action items and assigning of tasks and action items
- Discussion of tactics and strategies
- Other business as identified
Jun 12, 2018 - Inaugural CHRC Meeting
Time: 7:30-9 PM
Civic Campus, Bickell Room (Main Building, main floor near Tim Horton’s – this is where the last joint P&D/Transportation Meeting was held.
Note: This is a Members Only meeting – you must be a paid up member of the CHNA to attend
Civic Campus, Bickell Room (Main Building, main floor near Tim Horton’s – this is where the last joint P&D/Transportation Meeting was held.
Note: This is a Members Only meeting – you must be a paid up member of the CHNA to attend
- Brief review of process and issues so far
- Establishing priorities and process and areas of expertise of committee volunteers
- General discussion and setting next steps
May 15, 2018 - Joint Meeting - CHNA Transportation Committee and CHNA Planning Committee
A priority of the CHNA is to obtain an area traffic study to address the growing burden of traffic in the community. Evidence of the current impact is required to support decision-making to improve our neighbourhood today and for a future state related to the Civic Campus development.
- The re-zoning of the new Civic site will be presented as well as the CHNA's response.
- You will learn about CHNA's newly created Civic Hospital Relocation Committee (CHRC) and how you can support its work.
- The focus of this meeting will include the creation of a strategic plan to advocate for a traffic study.
May 8, 2018 - CHNA Annual Spring Meeting
When: Tuesday, May 8, 7 - 9 pm
Where: Hintonburg Community Centre (1064 Wellington Street West)
Join us for a neighbourhood update from your CHNA Executive and our guest, Councillor Jeff Leiper. ...and during the break you can chat with your neighbours and enjoy light snacks and refreshments. The Annual Spring meeting is also a great chance to renew/buy your 2018 CHNA membership to help support our work. Hope to see you there!
Where: Hintonburg Community Centre (1064 Wellington Street West)
Join us for a neighbourhood update from your CHNA Executive and our guest, Councillor Jeff Leiper. ...and during the break you can chat with your neighbours and enjoy light snacks and refreshments. The Annual Spring meeting is also a great chance to renew/buy your 2018 CHNA membership to help support our work. Hope to see you there!
May 17, 2018 - All Candidates Meeting
When: Thursday, May 17, 7-9pm
Where: Scotten Hall, Glebe Community Centre, 175 - 3rd Avenue.
The CHNA has worked with nearby community associations to cosponsor an "All Candidates" meeting for you, ahead of the June Provincial Election. All candidates from the major parties have confirmed their attendance and David Reevely, who covers provincial affairs for The Citizen, is confirmed as moderator! Should be a very interesting night!
Where: Scotten Hall, Glebe Community Centre, 175 - 3rd Avenue.
The CHNA has worked with nearby community associations to cosponsor an "All Candidates" meeting for you, ahead of the June Provincial Election. All candidates from the major parties have confirmed their attendance and David Reevely, who covers provincial affairs for The Citizen, is confirmed as moderator! Should be a very interesting night!
Jun 2, 2018 - 3rd Annual CHNA Garage Sale
When: Saturday, June 2, 8 am start
Put it on your calendar and start putting aside items to sell! CHNA will do a whack of advertising and street signage too; you just need to participate and sell, sell, sell! Let us know if you will participate so we can put signs in your area...enrollment will be available via our website.
Put it on your calendar and start putting aside items to sell! CHNA will do a whack of advertising and street signage too; you just need to participate and sell, sell, sell! Let us know if you will participate so we can put signs in your area...enrollment will be available via our website.
Nov 14 2017, 7-9pm - CHNA - Annual General Meeting
Ottawa Heart Institute, Foustanellas Auditorium
40 Ruskin St, 2nd Floor
Mark the date in your calendars and please do attend! The AGM is your chance to get ask questions and to hear what CHNA has worked on from community issues like the relocation of the Civic to a Neighbourhood History Timeine that we can't wait to share with you Special guests include our City Councillor, Jeff Leiper, as well Marion Fraser, VP Heart Institute. We will also be electing our CHNA Executives.
Call for Candidates: The CHNA is seeking candidates for its Executive Committee positions (* indicates no current nominations): President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Chairs of five Committees: Planning & Development, Transportation, Safety, Membership, Communications*.
We are also seeking nominees for 3 new subcommittee roles: Fundraising to help us gain sponsorships, Environment for all things green! and Special Events to oversee current and new events for our neighbourhood
All positions will be open for election at the November 14th AGM. Members of the CHNA are invited to nominate themselves or another resident to any position. To facilitate the election process, we ask that candidates make their intentions known, in advance, by emailing [email protected] by November 7, 2017. We also invite inquiries about serving on the Executive or helping in any other way.
Call for Candidates: The CHNA is seeking candidates for its Executive Committee positions (* indicates no current nominations): President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Chairs of five Committees: Planning & Development, Transportation, Safety, Membership, Communications*.
We are also seeking nominees for 3 new subcommittee roles: Fundraising to help us gain sponsorships, Environment for all things green! and Special Events to oversee current and new events for our neighbourhood
All positions will be open for election at the November 14th AGM. Members of the CHNA are invited to nominate themselves or another resident to any position. To facilitate the election process, we ask that candidates make their intentions known, in advance, by emailing [email protected] by November 7, 2017. We also invite inquiries about serving on the Executive or helping in any other way.
Sep 25, 2017 - Ottawa Hospital- New Civic Campus PUBLIC MEETING
The City of Ottawa Planning Department is hosting a public meeting to discuss the Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Proposals for the new Ottawa Civic Hospital location. We encourage all members to attend.
When: Monday, September 25
Where: Alexander Community Centre, 960 Silver Street
Format: Open House at 6:30pm with a presentation and Q&A to follow.
Learn more by going to this announcement.
When: Monday, September 25
Where: Alexander Community Centre, 960 Silver Street
Format: Open House at 6:30pm with a presentation and Q&A to follow.
Learn more by going to this announcement.
Oct 2, 2017 - Transportation Monthly Meeting - YOU are invited
The CHNA Transportation Committee will hold its next meeting on Monday, October 2nd, 2017; 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Hintonburg Community Centre (Laurel Room).
Given the vast interest in traffic issues affecting our neighbourhood, please consider attending these important meetings in view of priorities for the coming year. These include the development of a Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Traffic Plan (relocation of Civic Campus, Westgate development, Sherwood Drive Action Plan), family cycling events, and more!
For additional information please contact [email protected]
Given the vast interest in traffic issues affecting our neighbourhood, please consider attending these important meetings in view of priorities for the coming year. These include the development of a Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Traffic Plan (relocation of Civic Campus, Westgate development, Sherwood Drive Action Plan), family cycling events, and more!
For additional information please contact [email protected]
Jun 1, 2017 - An Evening of Neighbourhood History
May 23, 2017 - CHNA Spring Meeting
Nov 8, 2016 - CHNA AGM
All members are invited and encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting. It's a great chance to learn what's happening in the neighbourhood, as well as a wonderful opportunity to hear from our elected representatives. Both the Honorable Catherine McKenna, MP Ottawa Centre, and Jeff Leiper, Councillor for Kitchissippi Ward will be speaking and taking your questions. Below is a draft of the nights agenda.
Please note: Will will start absolutely on time to ensure our guest speaker can get to her next meeting on well as to respect your time and ensure you get home in time to catch the US election results!
Please note: Will will start absolutely on time to ensure our guest speaker can get to her next meeting on well as to respect your time and ensure you get home in time to catch the US election results!
Nov 10, 2016 - Community Safety Meeting - re: Incidents at Bayswater/Somerset
Jun 6 & 7, 2016 - Ottawa Police Service Initiative - Changes and Consultations
The OPS invites community partners and key stakeholders to a consultation to gather learn more and to gather feedback on the proposed frontline deployment model. Facilitated sessions being held on two different days/times to help accommodate schedules.
The purpose of the engagement is to provide an opportunity for community partners and stakeholders to learn more about the deployment model and provide feedback, as well as to learn more about the Service Initiative program. If you are unable to attend either of the sessions, you can provide your feedback through our online questionnaire or by emailing a written submission to [email protected].
For more information about the Service Initiative program, please visit
- Tuesday, June 7, 201612:00-2:30 p.m.Fellowship Room (#112, downstairs), Woodvale Pentecostal Church, 205 Greenbank Road, K2H 8K9
- Thursday, June 9, 20166:00-8:30 p.m.Festival Boardroom, City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, K1P 1J1
- Register for one of the sessions HERE.
The purpose of the engagement is to provide an opportunity for community partners and stakeholders to learn more about the deployment model and provide feedback, as well as to learn more about the Service Initiative program. If you are unable to attend either of the sessions, you can provide your feedback through our online questionnaire or by emailing a written submission to [email protected].
For more information about the Service Initiative program, please visit
Jun 20, 2016 - Westgate Re Development - NEW DATE- Next Public Consultation
CHNA views the potential development of this site as an opportunity to turn a paved, inhospitable site into a greener, more welcoming environment. The development also has the potential to encourage improvements in the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure as well as better transit along Carling. We also support a Secondary Planning Process as an important step in developing this important downtown site.
CHNA urges the City to carefully study and document why this site is, or is not, suitable for additional height so other sites on Carling which are not suitable for tall buildings are protected from unimpeded up-zoning. Finally, CHNA urges the city to revisit the traffic study to ensure that the estimates for future traffic around this site are accurate and that the study takes into account other anticipated development in the vicinity.
CHNA's submission, provided to the city on March 4th, can be found here.
NEW- Next Public Consultation on June 20, 6:00-8:00pm, Best Western 1274 Carling Avenue
CHNA urges the City to carefully study and document why this site is, or is not, suitable for additional height so other sites on Carling which are not suitable for tall buildings are protected from unimpeded up-zoning. Finally, CHNA urges the city to revisit the traffic study to ensure that the estimates for future traffic around this site are accurate and that the study takes into account other anticipated development in the vicinity.
CHNA's submission, provided to the city on March 4th, can be found here.
NEW- Next Public Consultation on June 20, 6:00-8:00pm, Best Western 1274 Carling Avenue
Jun 3, 2016 - HAVE YOUR SAY on 417 Bridge Rehabilitation/Replacement
The Ministry of Transportation has released their Preliminary Design and Environmental Assessment Study for the Rehabilitation / Replacement of Ottawa Queensway Mid-town Bridges from Holland Avenue to O'Connor Street (G.W.P. 4075-11-00) . CHNA provided comments to MTO on this process in 2015, with considerable input from Civic Hospital Neighbourhood residents.
We will be reviewing this Study and welcome additional comments from residents. Please send your comments by June 3rd to [email protected] . The MTO report will be available from Wednesday, May 4, 2016 until Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at the following locations for your review:
Ottawa Public Library - Main Branch
120 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, tel: 613-580-2940,
Monday to Thursday: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. , Friday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Hintonburg Community Centre
1064 Wellington Street, Ottawa, tel: 613-798-8874
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Sunday: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Ottawa Public Library - Sunnyside Branch
1049 Bank Street, Ottawa, tel: 613-580-2940
Monday to Thursday: 10 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., Friday: 1 p.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
McNabb Recreation Centre
180 Percy Street, Ottawa, tel: 613-564-1070
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., Saturday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Plant Recreation Centre
930 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, tel: 613-232-3000
Monday to Friday: 6:45 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Saturday: 7:45 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Sunday: 7:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
City of Ottawa Service Centre
110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
We will be reviewing this Study and welcome additional comments from residents. Please send your comments by June 3rd to [email protected] . The MTO report will be available from Wednesday, May 4, 2016 until Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at the following locations for your review:
Ottawa Public Library - Main Branch
120 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, tel: 613-580-2940,
Monday to Thursday: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. , Friday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Hintonburg Community Centre
1064 Wellington Street, Ottawa, tel: 613-798-8874
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Sunday: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Ottawa Public Library - Sunnyside Branch
1049 Bank Street, Ottawa, tel: 613-580-2940
Monday to Thursday: 10 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., Friday: 1 p.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
McNabb Recreation Centre
180 Percy Street, Ottawa, tel: 613-564-1070
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., Saturday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Plant Recreation Centre
930 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, tel: 613-232-3000
Monday to Friday: 6:45 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Saturday: 7:45 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Sunday: 7:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
City of Ottawa Service Centre
110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Jun 17, 2015 - Heart Institute - Second Public Information Session
May 6, 2015 - Engaged Audience for Elder Abuse Seminar
We had a great turnout! Our thanks to Alison Timmons, Elder Abuse Response and Referral Services Coordinator, NROCRC and Cst. Dawn Neilly-Sylvestre, Ottawa Police, Community Police Centre.
Feb 26, 2015 - Queensway Bridge Rehabilitation/Replacement
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) will be rehabilitating 4 Queensway bridges adjacent to the Civic Hospital neighbourhood - Bayswater, Fairmont, Parkdale and Holland. Residents are invited to attend an MTO Public Information Session where MTO officials and a consulting team will explain the process, present the alternatives, answer questions and get comments. The project website is:
Both CHNA and Liveable Bayswater will be providing comments. Our comments from the first review last spring is below for your review. CHNA residents are encouraged to submit their individual comments. We also ask that you email your comments to CHNA HERE so the association can prepare an official response, which is due March 13, 2015.
Details of the Meeting:
Thursday, February 26, 2015 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
St Anthony's Banquet Hall
523 St. Anthony Street, Ottawa
*Drop-in style info session*
Both CHNA and Liveable Bayswater will be providing comments. Our comments from the first review last spring is below for your review. CHNA residents are encouraged to submit their individual comments. We also ask that you email your comments to CHNA HERE so the association can prepare an official response, which is due March 13, 2015.
Details of the Meeting:
Thursday, February 26, 2015 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
St Anthony's Banquet Hall
523 St. Anthony Street, Ottawa
*Drop-in style info session*
Feb 18, 2015 - Traffic Committee Meeting
The CHNA Traffic Committee will have their first meeting of 2015 on February 18. Traffic is a big issue with many residents, so if you are interested in joining the committee, please feel free to pop in to observe and participate!
Where: Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington Street West (Wellington Room)
When: Feb 18, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Where: Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington Street West (Wellington Room)
When: Feb 18, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Jan 13, 2015 - Heart Institute Expansion - Public Information Session
On Jan 13, The University of Ottawa Heart Institute held a Public Information Meeting regarding the upcoming Heart Institute Expansion construction project. Over 50 residents attended.
When: January 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Where: The Foustanellas Auditorium second floor of the Heart Institute
The Heart Institute had on hand their project lead as well as a representative from the construction firm, Jeff Leiper-our City Councillor and Yasir Naqvi -our Ottawa Centre MPP . The meeting reviewed the project, timelines, local impacts and provided responses to our questions.
A link to the minutes from the meeting can be found HERE
When: January 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Where: The Foustanellas Auditorium second floor of the Heart Institute
The Heart Institute had on hand their project lead as well as a representative from the construction firm, Jeff Leiper-our City Councillor and Yasir Naqvi -our Ottawa Centre MPP . The meeting reviewed the project, timelines, local impacts and provided responses to our questions.
A link to the minutes from the meeting can be found HERE
Jan 17, 2014 - The first Kitchissippi Forum with Councillor Leiper!!
Announcing the first of Councillor Leiper's quarterly community forums for all Kitchisisippi residents.
- When: January 17, 2014: 1pm-4pm
- Where: Hintonburg Community Centre, Wellington Room
- For: All Kitchissippi residents!
Jan 15, 2014 - CHNA’s Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Are you concerned about development in our community? Do you have ideas to strengthen CHNA’s consultations? Are you experienced in urban planning or community liaison?
Consider attending the next meeting of CHNA’s Planning and Development Committee on January15, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at 295 Bayswater Avenue.
The responsibilities of this Committee include:
Contact Kathy Kennedy, Chair, Planning and Development Committee at: (613) 729-7252 or [email protected]
Consider attending the next meeting of CHNA’s Planning and Development Committee on January15, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at 295 Bayswater Avenue.
The responsibilities of this Committee include:
- Liaison with city officials and developers;
- Consulting with Civic Hospital (CH) neighbourhood residents on development proposals; and,
- Drafting responses to development proposals that reflect the perspectives of CH residents.
Contact Kathy Kennedy, Chair, Planning and Development Committee at: (613) 729-7252 or [email protected]
Nov 6, 2013 - CHNA Annual General Meeting
IMPORTANT MEETING: Please plan to attend the upcoming CHNA Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, November 6th. At the AGM you will have an opportunity to elect your new executives for 2013-2014 and get an update on current happenings in the area, including Ruskin Park. Great opportunity to ensure that the CHNA is focused on what is important to you.
Where: 579 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa, ON, Canada (St. Stephens Church- lower level)
When: November 6th, 7:30pm
Hope to see you there!
Where: 579 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa, ON, Canada (St. Stephens Church- lower level)
When: November 6th, 7:30pm
Hope to see you there!
Jun 12, 2013 - Next CHNA Traffic Committee Meeting
The Traffic Committee will be holding a meeting. Please join us in the lobby outside the Civic Hospital Amphitheater on Wednesday, June 12th at 7:30pm.
Apr 30, 2013 - Next CHNA Planning and Development Meeting
The Planning and Development Committee will be holding a meeting. Please join us at 76 Gwynne Avenue on Tuesday, April 30th at 7:00pm.
Apr 24, 2013 - Next CHNA Traffic Committee Meeting
The Traffic Committee will be holding a meeting. Please join us in the lobby outside the Civic Hospital Amphitheater on Wednesday, April 24th at 7:30pm.
Apr 10, 2013 - Next CHNA Public Meeting
Spring is here almost here and CHNA is holding their first Public Meeting of 2013. Please join us at the Civic Hospital Amphitheater on Wednesday April 10th at 7pm. (main entrance and up the stairs)
When: April 10th at 7pm
Where: Civic Hospital Amphitheatre
What: Agenda Items to Include
We will be launching our Neighbourhood Watch Program that evening and our own Officer Milton will be presenting how the program works and provide some local stats that should bring awareness to why we need such a program in the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood.
Other topics will include:
-CHNA News Updates
-The Latest on the Near West Accommodation Review
-Events for 2013
-Reid Park Update
-Presentation of our New Website
-Open Forum
We hope you will plan to attend!
When: April 10th at 7pm
Where: Civic Hospital Amphitheatre
What: Agenda Items to Include
- Neighbourhood Watch Presentation by Officer Milton
- CHNA news and Updates
- Accommodation Review Update
- Presentation of our new website
- 2013 Events
We will be launching our Neighbourhood Watch Program that evening and our own Officer Milton will be presenting how the program works and provide some local stats that should bring awareness to why we need such a program in the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood.
Other topics will include:
-CHNA News Updates
-The Latest on the Near West Accommodation Review
-Events for 2013
-Reid Park Update
-Presentation of our New Website
-Open Forum
We hope you will plan to attend!